Friday, July 31, 2009

Korner Lunch

When I first got into photography we were set up on the 2nd floor of an old building on 95 St. Damn cold in winter & boiling hot in summer. We'd often walk two doors up to the Korner Lunch run by Sam and his wife. Soup and a Sandwich for about a buck ninety tax!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brandy and Travis Wedding

July 25, was, I believe, the hottest day of the year for Brandy and Travis. AND...the weather was really warm as well!!
Danielle and I certainly had a warm reception from both families as we followed them through their day.
A bit of heat...slightly swollen digits..third finger left hand...and that ring sat perched between the knuckles for awhile. However, Bandy was not to be denied and eventually that band slipped into its rightful place. That's now a little story for their future family.
Thank you to Brandy and Travis, June and Don, and Elaine and John.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Couple of Cuties

We had the opportunity to enjoy some time with Grace and Sierra. Grace is the older sister: impulsive, busy, full of beans and, 'a model in training'.
Sierra is the thinker. She is quiet and tends to watch the world a wee bit before she jumps in.
In one of our family groupings both wanted to have their arms around Dad. A few tears later we got everything solved and the world was right again.
Thanks for the memories.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Consumer Choice Award

We recently received some great news in the mail. It reads:

The Consumers’ Choice Award (CCA), in association with Leger Marketing, is pleased to announce that your firm has been chosen by Edmonton consumers as 2009 winner for Photography.

These Awards are presented to businesses in all the major cities across Canada. This is quite a thrill for us. We have been aware of the CCA program but never really knew how the Awards were established. Consumers are asked “…which business is your choice for excellence in each category? Please consider the elements of quality, service, value, and appearance”.

Thanks CCA…you’ve made my day!!