Monday, September 28, 2009

Remove door; tighten seat belt; let's go!!

Had an opportunity yesterday to take some aerial photographs. Here are some images showing the progress of the Epcor Bldg on 101 St. and, (the must discussed over the years), Federal Bldg on 109 St.
Notice the amount of green we still have in Edmonton.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Dogs Life

Ahhhh…the acreage life; over four acres of beautiful trees, flowers, a Mom and Dad, and two lovely daughters. Then there’s the head of the household, Bailey the dog; an affectionate companion, great cuddler, iffy watch dog, and great wasp killer!
My thanks to Bailey and family for all your warm smiles.

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice

Still waters run deep. The shy little Zoe, who met me with her mother at the studio, turned into a jumping whirlwind with twinkling eyes. There must have been something in those hot pink socks!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another First

What a thrill for Danielle and I to have been selected to photograph our first Hindu wedding. Thank you Shalini and Kam.
The colours were stunning and the atmosphere almost surreal as we photographed the ancient wedding rituals.
As in all weddings though, two people are pledging their love and lives. Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, whatever, the emotions are real.
And another first; as one must remove their footwear before entering the temple, this was our first wedding ceremony assignment running around in socks only. Boy, am I glad I darned the holes in my socks the night before! I can't speak for Danielle!!;-)