Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Pretty Young Edmonton Girl

Today the modern Edmonton girl is going for the bold look with bright colours and designs.
Marin is wearing her faaaaavourite rain gear: a pink coat liberally sprinkled with red roses and green leaves.
Her boots, selected to compliment her coat, are spiced up with bright red cherries.
Her umbrella? over the top with another bold statement in gorgeous lavender. And why?...why to catch the eye of some young man...of course!!
Cheers to you Marin. Keep me in mind; for your wedding I’ll gladly come out of retirement!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tim's Three Musketeers

When Tim brought his young family to the studio, I was impressed. Each had a genuine smile upon greeting me. There was interest in our conversation as they asked questions about the studio and what I did. And…not once did a phone appear requiring an immediate response from a friend!

As the afternoon progressed, hints of their individual personalities began to show. Kaileah was confident and, being the older sister, I noted a slight mothering/herding of her two younger brothers. Nathan, the older boy, was a tad on the quiet side; perhaps a bit of a thinker. Justin had a certain grin; a possible sign of a little bit of mischief looking for a place to happen.

Tim, your kids were awesome; even more so because I got a group hug!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aunt Beste called me to arrange for a portrait of her six year old niece, Diana. On the big day Diana arrived like a Princess in a pink chiffon dress. Our plan was to photograph Diana with a selection of dresses and then....perhaps we would go outside.

Although quite content and easy to photograph, I wasn’t able to coax any joyous expressions. Methinks Princess Diana wasn’t in a ‘dress’ mood. I'm pleased to say that I did get a lovely contemplative mood with the profile.

Finally the dresses were discarded and on went the jeans, the top, and the long red sweater. Once outside and carefree, the body language took on an air of confidence and freedom. Between running, hopping, skipping, and jumping off the brick wall, I got the other Princess- the one with the slightly tilted halo!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blast from the Past

Most, if not all, have heard the term BLAST FROM THE PAST. If memory serves, this term came into being, (at least for me), in the early 60's. DJ's would spin a few 45's from '58, or '59; songs that hit the charts running in those years.
And, from a teenager's perspective, it was always fun to hear a tune from the, (3 yrs ago), old days!!

Well, Blast from the Past took on another meaning for me just recently with thanks to son #2. And, the timing?...interesting, considering the somewhat Blast from the Past of U2.

In the process of getting rid of old stuff, (me not included, although apparently there was some debate), an old trunk was opened and gutted of its treasures. One, however, survived. As the trunk was being prepared for a garage sale, David noticed a small card. On that card was a picture of four young men; the ones you see above.

My Dad worked for CHED Radio in those days; the hottest Rock Station in Edmonton; perhaps in Alberta. And, of course, the Beatles got lots of play time. So one day my Dad brought me home this Official Membership Card for the BEATLES Fan Club; Edmonton Chapter.

When David showed me what he had found, I couldn't help but smile, vaguely remembering my dad presenting it to me so many years ago. However, my next thoughts are what really intrigue me: I wonder where Trudy Medcalf and Dawne Hester are today. How did they become Pres & V Pres? Where were they from and what school did they go to? And, I wonder if they would smile, as I did, upon seeing once again an Official Membership Card of the BEATLES Fan Club. I hope so.
Cheers to you, Trudy and Dawne.