Friday, July 23, 2010 want to be a child photographer!

Here we are again. An opportunity arises to photograph a past client's grandchildren....aged from 6yrs old to less than 1 year. Oh Ya!

Young kids don't scare me. I started in the photography business with a company called Stork Photography. I've been drooled, peed, and barfed on. Get over it and get the expression. That's what sells; that's what clients remember..your successes.
However, once in a while you hit what may be considered a wall. Attached are two images from my wall!! We'll call these out-takes!

Now, I'm not suggesting another photographer wouldn't have succeeded where I didn't. But...hmmmm most likely not. So, you try plan B and do your best. The best in this case was assembling three separate images to the glee of a happy Grandmother.

Now for the bonus. While viewing the 'out-takes', one mother said to me, "Those are priceless. I want one of those to send as my Christmas card this year"! Send one to Santa. I'm sure he would get a good laugh.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Dream Dancer

If fairy tales can come true, Tessa will one day be on stage capturing the hearts of other young girls who dream of dancing; and, most likely, the hearts of a few young men.

When we started our session Tessa was a bit shy as she hung at Mom’s side. However, with a wee bit of encouragement, she started to dance. The camera and I were soon forgotten as Tessa danced....and dreamed.