Friday, July 23, 2010 want to be a child photographer!

Here we are again. An opportunity arises to photograph a past client's grandchildren....aged from 6yrs old to less than 1 year. Oh Ya!

Young kids don't scare me. I started in the photography business with a company called Stork Photography. I've been drooled, peed, and barfed on. Get over it and get the expression. That's what sells; that's what clients remember..your successes.
However, once in a while you hit what may be considered a wall. Attached are two images from my wall!! We'll call these out-takes!

Now, I'm not suggesting another photographer wouldn't have succeeded where I didn't. But...hmmmm most likely not. So, you try plan B and do your best. The best in this case was assembling three separate images to the glee of a happy Grandmother.

Now for the bonus. While viewing the 'out-takes', one mother said to me, "Those are priceless. I want one of those to send as my Christmas card this year"! Send one to Santa. I'm sure he would get a good laugh.


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